Environmentally safe

There are no harmful chemicals in the system. Byproduct is only Oxygen. No legionella spreading from plumes and air is clean. Water looks clear and is clean but with high TDS.

Biocide Chemical Cost savings

Biofouling occurs when the water scrubs the air and organic materials absorbed in the water and collects as biofilm. Biofilm attracts bacteria which use it as growing media Some bacteria cause pitted corrosion shown in picture. Ozone will stop the biofilm formation and kil the bacteria. Bacteria levels normally below 100 cfu as against below 1000cfu with chemicals Biocides are no longer necessary giving tremendous cost savings.

Scaling inhibitor cost savings

Biofouling formed on the sides of pipe occurs when the water scrubs the air and organic materials absorbed in the water and collects as a colloidal solution. Biofilm acts as seed for the precipitation and formation of scales. More biofilm forms on scales and second scaling layer occurs. Layers continue to form on the subsequent layers until the pips are blocked. Corrosion bacteria harbor on the biofilm and cause pitting corrosion as well as Legionella infection. Picture shows the high cost of scaling. Ozone prevents formation of biofilm and buildup of bacteria and saves cost of scaling inhibitors.