We offer, without chemicals, water treatment for pools, drinking water and cooling towers utilizing cutting-edge technology to improve healthcare outcomes and environmental impact. We offer ozone treatment to cooling water systems without chemicals to not polute the environment and water resources.
We provide solutions to clean water with very low bacteria counts (below 100cfu) with our Ozone treatment. Provide solutions to air and water treatment, preservations of foods, Removal of unwanted odur, clean contaminated air, evaluate and address environmental risks to ensure a safe and sustainable future. Retrofit intallation with seperate design.
* Preservation of vegetable or salad vegetable sanitation * Prevents banana and tomato ripening an increase storage time * Preservation of strawberries
Even smokers do not like to breath the exhale cigarette. They would love to smoke in a room where there is less smoke. We provide installation of systems that will treat the cigarette smoke.
We can offer retrofit Ozone treatment systems for vegetable wash. The same system can be used for preparing bacteria free vegetable salads. Can bed designed as a retrofit installation.
Eggs deteriorate very rapidly even if stored at low temperatures, and many egg producers often have to face the Delima of losing tons of eggs because of egg degradation's, We offer systems to increase the shelf life of eggs by 50%.
the grease and fats of commercial kitchen waste produce very unpleasant odor. We offer treatment so that the odor is eliminated.